研究生 Certificate in 战略转型与可持续管理


亚洲博彩平台排名 University's flexible 和 stackable graduate certificate in strategic transformation 和 sustainable management equips professionals to navigate the complex realm of organizational transformation 和 change, while also integrating more sustainable business practices.


亚洲博彩平台排名's four-course graduate certificate offers a comprehensive curriculum that provides the strategies 和 practical tools necessary to lead organizations toward ethical excellence 和 sustainable growth. 通过整合诸如组织变革之类的主题, 商业的未来, 战略管理, 伦理决策与创新, we empower the next generation of leaders to navigate complex challenges, 推动积极的变化,建立弹性, 可持续的组织.

In addition to strategic transformation 和 sustainable management, 亚洲博彩平台排名's graduate certificates in leadership include 用于组织进步的商业智能组织文化转型. 证书可以同时获得,也可以顺序获得, 和 students who successfully complete all three programs only need two additional courses to earn our master's degree in organizational transformation 和 leadership.


  • 业务运营经理
  • 财务经理
  • 健康教育工作者
  • 人力资源经理
  • 信息技术经理
  • 管理顾问
  • 市场经理
  • 医疗卫生服务经理
  • 军事和惩教官员
  • 非营利组织董事









8 - 12个月




战略转型与可持续管理 Curriculum

亚洲博彩平台排名's graduate certificate in strategic transformation 和 sustainable management is designed for professionals who hold a bachelor's or master's degree 和 are seeking to adapt 和 thrive through continued leadership development. After completing the certificate program, students in good academic st和ing may apply to the M.S. 在组织转型和领导课程 并将信用继续下去.


This course explores global 和 organizational environmental issues from a social justice 和 corporate social responsibility perspective. 环境基础课程, social justice 和 governance policies are built upon the premise that all people, 不分种族, class, 性别, 种族和经济能力, have a right to a clean 和 safe environment 和 access to adequate natural resources. 进一步, the course examines the implications 和 challenges of environmental injustices 和 the need for corporate 和 social responsibility to correct these issues. Global 和 sustainable practices are explored in the context of various ethical frameworks 和 reasonable policy initiatives.

In response to the extensive globalization of the economy 和 the explosion of worldwide communications 和 educational changes, this course takes a global perspective on major corporate ethical, legal 和 governance issues impacting our daily lives - whether as entrepreneurs, 经理, 商业人士, 投资者或消费者. 关注全球商业运作, students examine enduring concepts of what it means to do business in an ethical, 合法公正的态度. Case studies are used to explore contemporary applications of shareholder versus stakeholder corporate governance 和 human rights questions as they impact global business, 亚洲博彩平台排名贿赂和腐败, 消费者保护, 发展中经济体, 工人的健康和安全, 童工, environmental protection 和 professional codes of ethics.

Leading system-wide change 和 transformation is a constant challenge in an era of continuous flux. 有远见的, interdisciplinary thinking is needed to facilitate human 和 planetary change 和 to enhance interdependent cooperative action. This course provides an overview of the skills needed to lead 和 manage people through change 和 transformation. It examines several methods 和 tools through which leaders 和 经理 affect change in organizations, engage people through communication processes 和 build capacities for sustaining change. It explores the unique characteristics of change 和 transformation dynamics: How individuals often respond to change, how to build trust 和 how to assess the impact of change on organizational culture, 群体行为, interpersonal influences 和 organizational design 和 innovation. 学生s improve their skills in areas such as process consultation, 领导和管理变革, team building 和 measuring organizational readiness 和 effectiveness. 学生将课程材料应用于现实世界的问题, situations 和 workplace challenges through a collaborative project.

This course equips students with the knowledge 和 tools necessary to not only navigate change, 还要积极主动地塑造组织的未来. 通过战略远见和创新思维, students gain the insights 和 strategies needed to anticipate changes, identify new opportunities 和 drive innovation that leads to sustainable growth 和 success.


Our strategic transformation 和 sustainable management courses are taught by seasoned professionals who are experts in their field. Instructors work closely with students to meet their individual needs while serving as career-focused mentors, 帮助学生建立自己的职业网络.



Courses are billed individually at the start of each class. Please note that there is a $60 registration fee per semester.



如果你的雇主为你支付全部或部分学费, we will arrange payment directly from your employer where possible. 了解更多.



Our certificate programs are eligible for federal student loans. 要符合资格,你必须每学期完成两门课程. 了解更多.



亚洲博彩平台排名 is approved for veterans’ benefits 和 has been named a Military Friendly School. 了解更多.