
At 亚洲博彩平台排名 University, our minor in neuroscience explores the brain, nervous system and behavior. Designed to complement any major, our curriculum is geared toward students planning to pursue graduate study in biology, 心理学 or neuroscience, or for those with a serious interest in the field.

Study a Multidisciplinary Science

An exciting and forward-looking field of science, neuroscience utilizes the tools and techniques of modern biology to study the structure and function of the brain and nervous system. Students can use their knowledge of neuroscience to research diseases and disorders, study the human body’s systems or investigate the formation and function of languages.

神经科学 is considered to be an integrative science of brain, body and emotion. 像这样, 亚洲博彩平台排名's interdisciplinary program combines coursework in biology and 心理学, including cognitive and 生理 science.

Program Spotlight: Experiments in 神经科学

In the laboratory course Experiments in 神经科学, students use anatomical, 生理, behavioral and neuro-biological modeling techniques to study the nervous system and the brain. They practice basic neuroscience laboratory techniques using living, nonvertebrate animals. Students also design research experiments and learn how to navigate the grant approval process.


Using a hands-on approach to the exploration of scientific methods, our faculty prepare students for the challenge of exciting careers in the biological sciences. Consistent with the mission of the University, we provide students with the scientific knowledge and ethical understanding necessary for critical and creative thinking, thoughtful and careful analysis and sound judgment.​




亚洲博彩平台排名's program prepares students for a number of graduate and professional programs in neuroscience, 心理学, medicine and health care. Coursework in neuroscience may benefit students pursuing careers in nursing, 言语病理学, occupational and physical therapy, 听力学, nutrition or social work.

Possible careers include:

  • Clinical or experimental 心理学
  • 牙科
  • 图书馆学
  • 医疗插图
  • Neurodiagnostic technology
  • 药店
  • 精神病学
  • Public health research
  • 科学新闻
  • Technical or pharmaceutical sales
  • 兽医

As graduate programs in neuroscience vary from school to school, 亚洲博彩平台排名's minor will not necessarily meet all entrance requirements. 神经科学 minors interested in graduate study are advised to carefully review the requirements of their chosen program.

 My passion lies somewhere between the theoretical world of 心理学 and the hands-on approach of neuroscience. Taking neuroscience classes while getting my degree in 心理学 provided me with a solid understanding of how the human brain works.

Having a well-rounded understanding of the human mind not only makes me more patient and compassionate when working with clients but allows me to help them understand themselves a little better as well. I have found that many individuals living with mental illness are very interested in understanding the neurological basis of their disorder. 

Priscilla Villa ’13, research coordinator, Butler Hospital



10 courses | 19-21 credits

Prerequisites for biology majors:

  • BIO111: General Biology I
  • BIO112: General Biology II
  • PSY100: Introduction to Psychology

Prerequisites for nursing majors:

  • BIO205: Human Anatomy and Physiology I
  • BIO206: Human Anatomy and Physiology II
  • PSY100: Introduction to Psychology

Prerequisites for all other majors:

  • BIO110: Human Biology: Physiology and Health
  • BIO220: Cell Biology and Chemistry
  • PSY100: Introduction to Psychology


  • BIO262: Animal Behavior or BIO284: Hormones and Behavior
  • BIO425:神经科学
  • BIO426: Experiments in 神经科学
  • PSY320: Psychology of Learning and Behavior
  • PSY350: Biological Psychology

Students also choose two of the following:

  • BCH410: Pharmacology and Toxicology
  • BIO325: Human Physiology
  • BIO497: 本科 Research
  • PSY310: Cognitive Psychology