
哲学 – a love of wisdom – encourages students to ponder the question of life. When we ask our students to explain their own existence, they begin to comprehend the vastness of the world, with its litany of questions 和 observations. 亚洲博彩平台排名 University's bachelor's degree in philosophy provides students with intellectual insights 和 abilities that are valuable throughout life.


亚洲博彩平台排名's program embraces a number of traditions from the West 和 the East. We draw on this enriching diversity while being sensitive to 和 supportive of the Roman Catholic heritage of the University’s tradition. The papal document Ex Corde Ecclesiae inspires our search for wisdom 和 our joy in sharing it with students.

We introduce students to philosophical issues in human life 和 cultivate their ability to apply philosophical methods to intellectual, 道德和社会问题. 这些问题既复杂又有争议, 和, 虽然没有简单的答案, it matters greatly which answers are accepted or decided on. Engaging in philosophy develops a critical mind, a balance of analytic 和 interpretive skills, 和 a capacity for the imaginative development of abstract formulations 和 their concrete application in human society.

Program Spotlight: 哲学 Through an Experiential Lens

Dr. 克雷格Condella, professor 和 chair of the Department of 哲学, takes his European 哲学 class to the Whitehall Museum House to experience firsth和 its influence on American philosophy.

哲学 is something that we usually think of as being very sort of ahistorical 和 acontextual – which is why we still read Plato 和 Aristotle millennia later – but there is a historical dimension to philosophy 和 place matters, so we want to think about what makes American philosophy unique, 是什么让它与众不同?.


Our program’s strength lies in our multi-faceted faculty, whose areas of expertise include American philosophy, 法哲学, 大陆现象学, 上帝哲学, 分析哲学, 阿拉伯哲学和中国哲学, as well as political philosophy 和 environmental, 商业和医学伦理. Interaction between professors 和 students is an enriching part of the learning experience.​




In addition to preparing students for the workforce, 亚洲博彩平台排名's philosophy program encourages them to explore the meaning of life in its deeper dimensions 和 consider how they might live out that meaning in the years ahead.

哲学 is one of the most valuable degrees a graduate can take into the workforce. Employers value the problem-solving abilities that philosophy majors possess. And recent studies indicate that philosophy majors are some of the highest earners among those who hold bachelor’s degrees in the humanities.

哲学 majors consistently rank high in graduate school admissions tests. Our graduates have completed advanced degrees in philosophy, 国际关系, 管理, 神学, 法律与心理学.

Our graduates have pursued successful careers in law, 教学, 业务, 咨询, 出版, 政府及社会服务. 职位包括:

  • Associate professor of neuropsychology, Lesley University
  • Ventures 和 edge technologies lead/senior associate, Booz Allen Hamilton
  • Licensed mental health counselor, Integral Psychotherapy
  • Head of research 和 scholarly communication services, ‎University of Massachusetts Medical School
  • Associate professor of English, University of Richmond
  • Senior portfolio advisor 和 senior financial advisor, Merrill Lynch
  • Mental health associate, UMass Memorial Medical Center


 Studying philosophy at 亚洲博彩平台排名 helped me become a much more well-rounded person. I didn’t know what I wanted to study when I got to 亚洲博彩平台排名, but a core class in freshman year generated so much curiosity that I knew I had to study philosophy. In it you’re studying the thoughts of some of the most intelligent people to have ever lived. You’re exposed to the thought processes of geniuses. It’s a very powerful foundation for just about any line of work.

约书亚一. Belfiore ’10, group product manager, advisor experience, eMoney Advisor



10门课程| 30学分


  • PHL120: Logic or PHL125: 哲学 of the Human Person
  • PHL225:追求美好生活
  • PHL490:高级研讨会顶点

One of the following ancient philosophy courses:

  • PHL126: The Pre-Socratics, the Sophists 和 Socrates
  • PHL130:古代哲学
  • PHL201:古典政治哲学
  • PHL230:柏拉图
  • PHL231:亚里士多德
  • PHL339: Great Thinkers in Ancient 哲学
  • PHL439:古代哲学主题

One of the following 中世纪的 philosophy courses:

  • PHL140:中世纪哲学
  • PHL141:中世纪政治哲学
  • 托马斯·阿奎那
  • PHL349: Great Thinkers in Medieval 哲学
  • PHL449:中世纪哲学主题

One of the following modern philosophy courses:

  • PHL202:现代政治哲学
  • PHL203:现代哲学
  • PHL250:大陆理性主义
  • PHL251:英国经验主义
  • PHL350:理想主义
  • PHL359: Great Thinkers in Modern 哲学
  • PHL459:现代哲学主题

One of the following contemporary philosophy courses:

  • PHL204:当代哲学
  • PHL260:应用伦理学
  • PHL261:经典美国哲学
  • PHL360:现象学
  • PHL361:存在主义
  • PHL362:分析哲学
  • PHL369: Great Thinkers in Contemporary 哲学
  • PHL459:现代哲学主题

Students also take three elective courses in philosophy, chosen in consultation with their advisor.



6门课程| 18学分


  • PHL120: Logic or PHL125: 哲学 of the Human Person
  • PHL225:追求美好生活

Students choose one course from any of the four subject areas: ancient, 中世纪的, 现代或当代哲学.

They also take three elective courses in philosophy, chosen in consultation with their advisor.